It has been quite a few years now since I stumbled on handmade soaps - well making hand crafted soaps and what a journey it has been.
Soap-making - well I just didn't see that coming and would never have guessed how interesting,compulsive and valuable that would turn out to be.
You know what's it's like a chance conversation leads to a train of thought and before you know it you're invested. Well soap-making was like that for me.
A series of events coincided - a local card shop came up for sale and we had been buying some very expensive soaps from Italy ( commercial but beautifully presented and smelled great -with fragrance oils ) and I sat down casually with a cup of tea in the sun to think armed with a notepad and thought ….if I can get this shop what would I sell?
I already considered myself a freestyle watercolour painter, gardener and part time herbalist / aromatherapist ,mediator and so I thought of special gifts to sell alongside my art in the gift card shop and I casually thought- well handmade soaps would be be one thing I'd love to sell.....How hard can it be, I thought?
I bought a load of books and hit YouTube did loads of research googled everything connected to all aspects I come into contact with and following a rather large purchase of oils molds and essential oils I began.
Well there is a lot to learn and so many variables but apart from the process which is so interesting and challenging at the same time -So exciting and then the revelation ........
There just is no comparison to ' normal' soaps and zillion light years from shower gels.
So what are the benefits?
1 - They are so moisturizing-
As part of the soap making process natural glycerin is formed and this natural byproduct removed from commercial soaps is fantastically moisturizing to the skin . Glycerin is a humectant. It absorbs water from the air and attracts moisture to your skin and is therefore healing and protecting the outer barrier of the body- which after-all is the largest organ of the body, so often forgotten.
So you have to question the logic of buying two products when you can buy one.
2- If you are going to feed your skin make it good food- and say No to detergents
As you are going put something on your skin to cleanse it it might as well feed it ? The skin is a porous and it takes in what is put on it - well you might as well feed it not hit it with detergents and harsh chemicals using hand made soaps is a great step towards knowing what you are feeding it with ... as you can actually pronounce and relate to the ingredients they are natural and shockingly beneficial.
3- The ingredients are considered and chosen to serve
Unlike commercial soaps,handmade soaps have been created with healing,skin health and moisturizing properties and beneficial kind ingredients in mind. In fact every ingredient in my soaps has been through this thought process. What will it bring to the soap? in terms of lather and user experience and what will it bring to the feel of the skin after use? It is kind,moisturizing and how will my skin feel?
But most importantly handmade soap makers tend to include ingredients such as chamomile,calendula ,salts muds and spa clays. Also most contain essential oils.
It's like a trip to the spa in your own bathroom.
All of these additions give another layer of benefits to the soap that utilize the power of nature.If the ingredient isn't helpful or beneficial then it's out!
4- I want my soaps to be ok with everyone kind and gentle.
Why buy a product for each skin type or age group? My main consideration is that my soaps are kind and gentle to all users and the only issue is which fragrance is more appealing. Handmade soaps are kind and gentle and everyone can use them which makes life so much easier. I have been truly surprised by the number of people who have skin problems and struggle with commercial soaps and equally gratified how many have found my soaps helpful and less aggravating to their skin conditions.
5- Natural Handmade Soaps are beneficial to the environment-
Well palm oil soaps are a great start and packaging is generally less impact-full. The soap itself is better into the drainage system and by using a product that is moisturizing means that fewer moisturizing products are needed. But makers of quality handmade soaps pride themselves on the impact they make ( or lack of it ) and they use sustainable health giving ingredients.
Also all of my soaps are vegan or vegetarian and most definitely not tested on animals
6- Just a Pleasure to use
My soaps are designed with usability in mind. From the oils and impact on the skin to the natural colours and herbs they include. But also the use of essential oils and natural botanicals and spa clays all go to making handmade soaps a delight. The colours are natural and muted and gentle on the skin. The fragrance is subtle and as the majority are made essential oils so beneficial also, mind and body.
What is there not to like?
So put aside any reservations and try a natural handmade soap for yourself or give a bar
as a special gift.
You will be surprised what a joy it is and you will also be surprised how much better your skin feels.

Check out my soaps at